I have a new paper, led by Jess Raff, that analyzes sediment transport and sediment budgets in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta, and assesses the implications of sediment flow for sustainability in the face of sea-level rise and the diversion and damming of major rivers.
Recent Blog Posts
New paper on the sustianability of the Bengal delta -
Fulbright Scholar Award I am very excited to announce that I have been selected for a Fulbright Scholar Award, which will allow me to spend a large part of the next academic year at the University of Calgary’s Werklund School of Education as the Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Digital Technologies and Sustainability.
Recent Publications
K. Best, J. Gilligan, & B. Mallick, Economic inequality is a crucial determinant of observed patterns of environmental migration, Nature Communications: Earth & Environment 6. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
B. He, J. Gilligan, & J. Camp, Incorporating spatial autocorrelation in dasymetric mapping: A hierarchical poisson spatial disaggregation regression model, Applied Geography 169, 103333. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
M.D. Caballero et al., Incentivizing household action: Exploring the behavioral wedge in the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, Energy Policy 186, 113992. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
M.G. Burgess et al., Supply, demand, and polarization challenges facing U.S. climate policies, Nature Climate Change. ABSTRACT DOI PDF
Recent & upcoming Teaching
- Probability & Statistics for Geosciences, January–May 2025. now on
- Agent- and Individual-Based Computational Modeling, August–December 2024. completed