B. He, J. Gilligan, & J. Camp, Incorporating spatial autocorrelation in dasymetric mapping: A hierarchical poisson spatial disaggregation regression model, Applied Geography 169, 103333. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
M.D. Caballero et al., Incentivizing household action: Exploring the behavioral wedge in the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, Energy Policy 186, 113992. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
M.G. Burgess et al., Supply, demand, and polarization challenges facing U.S. climate policies, Nature Climate Change. ABSTRACT DOI PDF
C.M. Tasich, J.M. Gilligan, & G.M. Hornberger, Modeling the dynamics of sediment transport, tides, and sea-level rise: Implications for the resilience of coastal Bengal, in C.G. Corlu et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, 946-957 (IEEE Press). ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
B. He, J.M. Gilligan, & J.V. Camp, An index of social fabric for assessing community vulnerability to natural hazards: Model development and analysis of uncertainty and sensitivity, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 96, 103913. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
J. Raff et al., Sediment delivery to sustain the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta under climate change and anthropogenic impacts, Nature Communications 14, 2429. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
M.D. Sweitzer, T. Gunda, & J.M. Gilligan, Water narratives in local newspapers within the United States, Frontiers in Environmental Science 11. ABSTRACT DOI PDF
K.B. Best, A. Qu, & J.M. Gilligan, Modeling multi-level patterns of environmental migration in Bangladesh: An agent-based approach, in S. Kim et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (IEEE Press). ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
F. Schenuit, J. Gilligan, & A. Viswamohanan, A scenario of solar geoengineering governance: Vulnerable states demand, and act, Futures 132, 102809. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
J.M. Gilligan, Expertise across disciplines: Establishing common ground in interdisciplinary disaster research teams, Risk Analysis 41, 1171–1177. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
K.J. Ding et al., Assessing food-energy-water resources management strategies at city scale: An agent-based modeling approach for Cape Town, South Africa, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 170, 105573. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
J. Martinez et al., Predicting public transportation load to estimate the probability of social distancing violations, in Proceedings of the Workshop on AI for Urban Mobility at the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence . ABSTRACT WWW PDF -
K.B. Best et al., Random forest analysis of two household surveys can identify important predictors of migration in Bangladesh, Journal of Computational Social Science 14, 77–100. ABSTRACT DOI PDF
M.P. Vandenbergh & J.M. Gilligan, Climate law and policy: Forks in the road, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 31, 163–173. ABSTRACT DOI PDF SSRN -
J.M. Gilligan & M.P. Vandenbergh, Beyond wickedness: Managing complex systems and climate change, Vanderbilt Law Review 73, 1177–1810. ABSTRACT WWW PDF SSRN -
A.R. Carrico et al., Extreme weather and marriage among girls and women in Bangladesh, Global Environmental Change 65, 102160. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
K.S. Nielsen et al., Improving climate change mitigation analysis: A framework for examining feasibility, One Earth 3, 325–336. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
M.P. Vandenbergh, J.M. Gilligan, & H. Feuerman, The new revolving door, Case Western Reserve Law Review 70, 1121–1149. ABSTRACT DOI PDF SSRN -
J.M. Gilligan & M.P. Vandenbergh, A framework for assessing the impact of private climate governance, Energy Research & Social Science 60, 101400. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
S. Elsawah et al., Eight grand challenges in socio-environmental systems modeling, Socio-Environmental Systems Modeling 2, 16226. ABSTRACT DOI PDF
K. Ding, J.M. Gilligan, & G.M. Hornberger, Avoiding “day-zero”: A testbed for evaluating integrated food-energy-water management in Cape Town, South Africa, in N. Mustafee et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, 866-877 (IEEE Press). ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
J.M. Gilligan, Modelling diet choices, Nature Sustainability 2, 661–662. ABSTRACT DOI PDF
J.M. Gilligan, Carrots and sticks in private climate governance, Texas A&M Law Review 6, 179–198. ABSTRACT WWW PDF SSRN -
J.B. Ruhl, J. Nay, & J.M. Gilligan, Topic modeling the president: Conventional and computational methods, George Washington Law Review 86, 1243–1315. ABSTRACT WWW PDF SSRN Preprint -
A. Maki et al., Employee energy benefits: What are they and what effects do they have on employees?, Energy Efficiency 12, 1065–1083. ABSTRACT DOI PDF SSRN -
J.M. Gilligan et al., Urban water conservation policies in the United States, Earth’s Future 6, 955–967. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
J.J. Nay, E.K. Burchfield, & J.M. Gilligan, A machine-learning approach to forecasting remotely sensed vegetation health, International Journal of Remote Sensing 39, 1800–1816. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
J.M. Gilligan, Climate modeling: Accounting for the human factor, Nature Climate Change 8, 14–15. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
C. Phillips et al., Dialogue: Beyond politics: The private governance response to climate change, Environmental Law Reporter 48, 11049–11062. ABSTRACT WWW PDF
C. Wilson et al., Widespread infilling of tidal channels and navigable waterways in the human-modified tidal deltaplain of southwest Bangladesh, Elementa 5, 78. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
M.P. Vandenbergh & J.M. Gilligan, Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change (Cambridge University Press). ABSTRACT -
J.M. Gilligan, Are cops on the science beat?, Issues in Science and Technology 34, 6–8. ABSTRACT WWW WWW -
B.A. Ackerly et al., Climate and community: The human rights, livelihood, and migration impacts of climate change, in D. Manou et al. (eds.), Climate Change, Migration, and Human Rights, 189–202 (Routledge). ABSTRACT PDF -
J. Gilligan, Nature of collaboration across disciplines, in R. Holowinsky et al. (eds.), Pathways to Collaboration, 433–457 (CreateSpace Independent Publishing). ABSTRACT
T. Gunda, G.M. Hornberger, & J.M. Gilligan, Spatiotemporal patterns of agricultural drought in Sri Lanka: 1881–2010, International Journal of Climatology 36, 563–575. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
E.K. Burchfield & J. Gilligan, Agricultural adaptation to drought in the Sri Lankan dry zone, Applied Geography 77, 92–100. ABSTRACT DOI -
E. Burchfield, J.J. Nay, & J. Gilligan, Application of machine learning to the prediction of vegetation health, ISPRS—International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLI-B2, 465–469. ABSTRACT DOI -
J.J. Nay, M. Van der Linden, & J.M. Gilligan, Betting and belief: Prediction markets and attribution of climate change, in T.M.K. Roeder et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, 1666-1677 (IEEE Press). ABSTRACT DOI PDF SSRN -
L. Benneyworth et al., Drinking water insecurity: Water quality and access in coastal south-western Bangladesh, International Journal of Environmental Health Research 26, 508–524. ABSTRACT DOI -
D.J. Hess et al., Drought, risk, and institutional politics in the American Southwest, Sociological Forum 31, 807–827. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
E.K. Burchfield & J.M. Gilligan, Dynamics of individual and collective agricultural adaptation to water scarcity, in T.M.K. Roeder et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, 1678-1689 (IEEE Press). ABSTRACT DOI SSRN
M.P. Vandenbergh & J.M. Gilligan, Beyond gridlock, Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 40, 217–303. ABSTRACT DOI PDF SSRN -
J.J. Nay & J.M. Gilligan, Data-driven dynamic decision models, in L. Yilmaz et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, 2752-2763 (IEEE Press). ABSTRACT DOI PDF SSRN -
B.A. Ackerly, M. Anam, & J. Gilligan, Environment, political economies, and livelihood change, in B. Mallick & B. Etzold (eds.), Environment, Migration and Adaptation: Evidence and Politics of Climate Change in Bangladesh, 27–39 (AH Development Publishing House). ABSTRACT PDF -
L.W. Auerbach et al., Flood risk of natural and embanked landscapes on the Ganges-Brahmaputra tidal delta plain, Nature Climate Change 5, 152–157. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
J.M. Gilligan et al., Participatory simulations of urban flooding for learning and decision support, in L. Yilmaz et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, 3174-3175 (IEEE Press). ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
L.W. Auerbach et al., Reply to ‘Tidal river management in Bangladesh’, Nature Climate Change 5, 492–493. ABSTRACT DOI -
G.M. Hornberger, D.J. Hess, & J. Gilligan, Water conservation and hydrological transitions in cities in the United States, Water Resources Research 51, 4635–4649. ABSTRACT DOI PDF
J.M. Gilligan & M.P. Vandenbergh, Accounting for political feasibility in climate instrument choice, Virginia Environmental Law Journal 32, 1–26. ABSTRACT DOI PDF SSRN -
M.P. Vandenbergh, K.E. Toner, & J.M. Gilligan, Energy and climate change: A climate prediction market, UCLA Law Review 61, 1962–2017. ABSTRACT WWW PDF SSRN
J.M. Gilligan, B.A. Ackerly, & S.L. Goodbred, Building resilience to environmental stress in coastal Bangladesh: An integrated social, environmental, and engineering perspective, in Bridging the Policy-Action Divide: Challenges and Prospects for Bangladesh (Bangladesh Development Initiative). ABSTRACT PDF -
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A.R. Carrico et al., Energy and climate change: Key lessons for implementing the behavioral wedge, Journal of Energy & Environmental Law 2, 61–67. ABSTRACT PDF SSRN -
M.P. Vandenbergh & J.M. Gilligan, Macro-risks: The challenge for rational risk regulation, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 21, 401–431. ABSTRACT WWW PDF SSRN
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M.P. Vandenbergh et al., Implementing the behavioral wedge: Designing and adopting effective carbon emissions reduction programs, Environmental Law Reporter 40, 547–554. ABSTRACT PDF SSRN -
J. Gilligan, People should behave ethically for the sake of future generations, in R. Espejo (ed.), Opposing Viewpoints: Ethics, 20–32 (Gale). ABSTRACT PDF -
J. Gilligan et al., The behavioural wedge, Significance 7, 17–20. ABSTRACT DOI PDF
A.R. Carrico et al., Costly myths: An analysis of idling beliefs and behavior in personal motor vehicles, Energy Policy 37, 2881–2888. ABSTRACT DOI PDF -
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A. Cricenti et al., Spectroscopic scanning near-field optical microscopy with a free electron laser: CH bond imaging in diamond films, Journal of Microscopy 202, 446–450. ABSTRACT PDF
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D.B. Talley et al., Scanning near field infrared microscopy using chalcogenide fiber tips, Materials Letters 42, 339–344. ABSTRACT PDF
A. Cricenti et al., Chemical contrast observed at a III-V heterostructure by scanning near-field optical microscopy, Physica Status Solidi A: Applied Research 175, 345–349. ABSTRACT PDF -
E. Sobol et al., Effect of wavelength on threshold and kinetics of tissue denaturation under laser radiation, in International Biomedical Optics Symposium, 122-129 (SPIE). ABSTRACT PDF -
D.T. Schaafsma et al., Fabrication of single-mode chalcogenide fiber probes for scanning near-field infrared optical microscopy, Optical Engineering 38, 1381–1385. ABSTRACT PDF -
A. Cricenti et al., Interface applications of scanning near-field optical microscopy with a free electron laser, Physica Status Solidi A: Applied Research 175, 317–329. ABSTRACT PDF -
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A. Cricenti et al., First experimental results with the free electron laser coupled to a scanning near-field optical microscope, Physica Status Solidi A: Applied Research 170, 241–247. ABSTRACT PDF -
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C.M. Volk et al., Quantifying transport between the tropical and mid-latitude lower stratosphere, Science 272, 1763–1768. ABSTRACT PDF
J.M. Gilligan et al., Refinement of the total organic and inorganic chlorine budgets in the atmosphere with a new in situ instrument, airborne chromatograph for atmospheric trace species ([acats-iv]{.smallcaps}), in Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project Workshop . ABSTRACT
D. Shiner et al., H, D, and HD ionization potentials by accurate calibration of several iodine lines, Physical Review A 47, 4042–4045. ABSTRACT PDF -
U. Eichmann et al., Interference in the resonance fluorescence of two trapped atoms, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Laser Science, 43-48 . ABSTRACT PDF -
W.M. Itano et al., Light scattered from two atoms, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Laser Science, 410-419 . ABSTRACT PDF -
W.M. Itano et al., Quantum measurements of trapped ions, Vistas in Astronomy, 169–183. ABSTRACT -
W.M. Itano et al., Quantum projection noise: Population fluctuations in two-level systems, Physical Review A 47, 3554–3570. ABSTRACT PDF -
W.M. Itano et al., Ultra-high precision spectroscopy for fundamental physics, Hyperfine Interactions 78, 211–220. ABSTRACT -
U. Eichmann et al., Young’s interference experiment with light scattered from two atoms, Physical Review Letters 70, 2359–2362. ABSTRACT PDF
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M.G. Raizen et al., Linear trap for high-accuracy spectroscopy of stored ions, Journal of Modern Optics 39, 233–242. ABSTRACT PDF -
J.M. Gilligan & E.E. Eyler, Precise determinations of ionization potentials and state energy levels of H, HD, and D, Physical Review A 46, 3676–3690. ABSTRACT PDF
D.J. Wineland et al., High-resolution spectroscopy of laser-cooled ions, in Proceedings of the Enrico Fermi Summer School on Laser Manipulation of Atoms and Ions, July 1991, Varenna, Italy, 539-551 . ABSTRACT -
J.M. Gilligan & E.E. Eyler, High-resolution three-photon spectroscopy and multiphoton interference in molecular hydrogen, Physical Review A 43, 6406–6409. ABSTRACT PDF -
J.M. Gilligan, Precise Multiphoton Spectroscopy of the H, HD, and D Molecules and a New Determination of the Ionization Potential of HD, Ph.D. dissertation. (Yale University). Thesis ABSTRACT -
D.J. Wineland et al., Recent experiments on trapped ions at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in Proceedings of the Enrico Fermi Summer School on Laser Manipulation of Atoms and Ions, July 1991, Varenna, Italy, 553-567 . ABSTRACT
E.E. Eyler, J.M. Gilligan, & E. McCormack, Precise multiphoton spectroscopy of h, in Advances in Laser Spectroscopy III . ABSTRACT
E.E. Eyler & J.M. Gilligan, Precise multiphoton spectroscopy of excited states of H, in Advances in Laser Spectroscopy II, 388-390 . ABSTRACT -
E. McCormack, E.E. Eyler, & J.M. Gilligan, Precise photodissociation and multiphoton spectroscopy of H, in Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Quantum Electronics, 58-60 (Optical Society of America). ABSTRACT -
E.E. Eyler et al., Precise two-photon spectroscopy of intervals in H, Physical Review A 36, 3486–3489. ABSTRACT PDF
Much of my research has centered on understanding environmental stress in coupled human-natural systems. I work in interdisciplinary teams of social & behavioral scientists, natural scientists, and engineers, and my focus is often on using statistical tools and computational modeling to integrate the societal, natural, and constructed aspects.
My research spans a broad range of topics, including the role of the private sector in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and investigating ways in which policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or adapt to a changing climate may either alleviate or exacerbate socio-economic inequalities. Much of my research focuses on the United States, but I have also been working for over a decade on studying the impacts of climate change on rural farming communities in Bangladesh and other parts of South Asia.
Some of the tools I use heavily in this work is Bayesian statistical analysis and agent-based modeling.
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